
Intuition Influenced by Friendships We Keep

People who want to sharpen their intuitive abilities need to hang out with individuals who value this skill and are supportive. Doing so leaves each party free to explore their differences and actually increases the influence of inner knowing. Research shows that when you spend time with people who respect and believe in intuition your […]

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Oprah Ultimate Viewer Embraces Love After Going to Australia

It has been a little over two months since I have returned from the Oprah’s Ultimate Australia Adventure and each day something happens to remind me of this enlightening journey. Valentine’s Day offers a special opportunity to recall the overwhelming sense of love that flowed on this trip. The 300 audience members who traveled Down

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Executives Must Use Their Intuition To Aid Job Searches

New tools in technology and market research are making job searches more complicated. Executives today are struggling with how to present their information to stand out in today’s challenging marketplace. Your ability to present your gifts, talents and expertise requires that you tune in to your intuition to shine as the best candidate. The prime

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