
self care tips for hr professionals after violence in world

Self-Care Tips for HR Professionals in the Wake of Increased Violence that Spills into the Workplace

In the wake of the horrific violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, human resource professionals are likely to face increased challenges related to rising tensions and fears.  The workplace is not only a window to what’s going on in the world, but what happens in the world spills over into the workplace. Employees may be more opinionated

Self-Care Tips for HR Professionals in the Wake of Increased Violence that Spills into the Workplace Read More »

Intuition Sheree Franklin

Intuitive People Should Hang Out With People Who Value Their Hunches

People who want to sharpen their intuitive abilities will benefit greatly from hanging out with individuals who value this skill and are supportive. When each person is free to explore and openly discuss their hunches, insights or intuitive thoughts, it actually increases the influence of inner knowing. Research shows that when you spend time with

Intuitive People Should Hang Out With People Who Value Their Hunches Read More »

be your own best friend sheree franklin

Part 4 – Women’s Friendships: the Most Important Relationship

This is Part 4 in a 4-part series about Women’s Friendships by Sheree Franklin It may sound cliche, but there is nothing truer: the most important type of friendship women need is one with themselves. Being our own best friend is necessary for our happiness and to enhance all the other friendships and relationships in

Part 4 – Women’s Friendships: the Most Important Relationship Read More »

women's friendships intuition sheree franklin

Women’s Friendships, Part 3: How Women Know Intuitively When to Take a Chance on a New Friend

This is Part 3 in a 4-part series about Women’s Friendships by Sheree Franklin Women often know when they intuitively “click” with a new female friend.  It can happen in the strangest places…standing in a long bathroom line at a concert, sitting in a chair next to another woman in the hair salon, shopping for

Women’s Friendships, Part 3: How Women Know Intuitively When to Take a Chance on a New Friend Read More »