job search

Job Hunting With Positive Energy

Paying attention to the random energy we experience in our lives is a powerful tool to utilize in today’s challenging job market. Each of us has a positive and negative filter on all the time. Our inner technology makes us aware of what is helping or hindering us from achieving the things we want. Oftentimes, […]

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Job Search Challenges for Baby Boomer Women

Baby boomer women who are looking for work, face a unique set of challenges requiring them to balance career demands with caregiver responsibilities. In the book, The Daughter Trap by Laurel Kennedy, she describes the emotional turmoil women face in today’s tough job market, “Busy caregivers running from commitment to commitment rarely make time for

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Executives Must Use Their Intuition To Aid Job Searches

New tools in technology and market research are making job searches more complicated. Executives today are struggling with how to present their information to stand out in today’s challenging marketplace. Your ability to present your gifts, talents and expertise requires that you tune in to your intuition to shine as the best candidate. The prime

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