
women's friendships intuition sheree franklin

Women’s Friendships, Part 3: How Women Know Intuitively When to Take a Chance on a New Friend

This is Part 3 in a 4-part series about Women’s Friendships by Sheree Franklin Women often know when they intuitively “click” with a new female friend.  It can happen in the strangest places…standing in a long bathroom line at a concert, sitting in a chair next to another woman in the hair salon, shopping for

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Intuitive People Need to Hang Out With Friends Who Value Their Instincts

People who want to sharpen their intuitive abilities need to hang out with individuals who value this skill and are supportive. When each person is  free to explore their openly discuss their hunches, insights or intuitive insights it actually increases the influence of inner knowing. Research shows that when you spend time with people who

Intuitive People Need to Hang Out With Friends Who Value Their Instincts Read More »

De-Clutter Your Mind to Hear Your Inner Voice

Our minds are packed with a million things to do each day making it next to impossible to be quiet and allow ourselves to listen to our intuition. Every time we turn to our computers, tablets and smartphones, we are bombarded with internet ads, bells and whistles to distract us.  Even when I work from

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What Happens When Others Ignore Our Intuitive Signs?

Have you ever looked in a person’s eyes and knew immediately that something was wrong? Saying what you sense can be risky because you never know how the other person will take the information. And what happens if you are so convinced that your intuition is correct that you take it a step further and

What Happens When Others Ignore Our Intuitive Signs? Read More »

Intuitively Sense the Emotion of Hope

The emotion of hope is more powerful than fear. Harnessing the ability to create this feeling in our minds, hearts and spirits is easy. Here are a few simple steps to radiate an overwhelming sense of hope each day: 1. Sensing intuitively each morning that your day is going to be constant flow of perfect,

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