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The Hidden Asset EVERYONE Should LEARN To Use


This book is a combination of my adventures and missteps on embracing my intuition, powerful insights on my clients and the people I admire who live their lives embracing their inner wisdom. Each of us has the power to change our lives by embracing our intuition. When we are consciously aware of our inner wisdom and take action it is easier to embrace our true potential.  

Paperback – ISBN# 978-0-9854327-2-0

eBook – ISBN# 978-0-9854327-3-7





WHAT READERS SAY ABOUT SHEREE AND INTUITION: THE HIDDEN ASSET EVERYONE SHOULD LEARN TO USE   “Sheree Franklin takes her intuitive work to the highest level of pure service to those in need. This book combines practical skills to encourage others in recognizing their own talents, skills and abilities. If you are seeking to grow professionally and personally…this is the book to read!” – Consuella C. Newton- Lecturer, Master Teacher and author of The Inner Quest  
“Reading this book changes you. It forces you to embrace the divine. The stories have made me a better healer and dedicated agent of love. This book is a vortex into our true human connection with the all that is. A must read!!!” — Kurt A. Hill Sr., M.DIV, CST, LMT, HHP; Candidate MA Psychology (2016); Founder APCT (Advanced Psychosomatic Character Therapy)   “Sheree Franklin’s insight, intelligence and compassion will guide you in not only finding but using your intuition. Sheree shares her personal stories and unique professional expertise and provides a road map to help you cultivate this hidden power. After reading this book you will you thank her!” — Debbie Lessin, Speaker / Entrepreneur and Author of Life Is A Balancing Act…A Fun Book!