Three Steps for Taking Care of Your Energetic Health

Taking care of our energetic health is something many of us  aren’t taught to do in life.  Our hearts, minds, bodies and spirits are filed with the hurts, regrets and mistakes we’ve made in the past.  When we choose to dump the baggage of our emotional suitcases our intuition expands and resonates at a much higher level.  Here are the three steps for taking charge of your energetic health:

The first step is to ask yourself what is draining your energy? Sit down and make a list of the dead weight from the past.  Taking dedicated quiet time for about 15-20 minutes daily to journal for one solid week will reveal vital information.  Each of us are complex individuals with a blend of contrasts–positive and negative.  Framing the past, hurts, regrets from a new perspective is a vital step to being able to move to a different point of view.

The second step is to view these events without judgment or blame. The world we experience is a reflection of the choices we make in our lives.  It’s important to trust that each person’s journey is unique and special.  Reframing your perspective of the past allows you to become clear and open to the future.  If you are having trouble releasing a painful experience an excellent tool to utilize are the website and book, Radical Forgiveness.  The website offers a powerful way to energetically shift out of whatever issue or problem that is holding you back.  Go to the free tools area and you’ll find a worksheet space to privately express your thoughts, feelings and emotions.

The third step is to ask, “What am I being called to do?” Rarely does life follow a predictable pattern.  Pay attention to what resonates deeply in your heart , mind and soul.

When we become aware of what depletes our energy, release judgment or blame about the past, and trust that our path will be revealed, our intuition expands and will light the way for our highest good to be revealed.